2024 ACT Conference

Save the Date: October 19 & 20, 2024

in Boulder, Colorado

Hosted by Boulder Journey School
Live or Virtual
conference theme

Embracing Constructivism

From Theory to Practice


Dr. Brenda Fyfe, Ph.D.


Embracing Constructivism: Interweaving linguistic and culturally responsive theory and practice

Plan your travel and stay


Please note that Boulder is located 5430 feet above sea level and visitors can be affected by altitude sickness. One preventative treatment is to drink plenty of water, so please be mindful of your water consumption. In an effort to reduce our single-use plastic consumption, we will provide each participant with a reusable water bottle.


Boulder offers many hotels and bed and breakfasts from which to choose. If you have a rental car, any hotel located in Boulder would be a good option.

Hilton Garden Inn Boulder
When you make a reservation, mention the 2024 ACT Conference to receive a discounted rate of $199 plus tax per night.  Parking has been discounted to $10 per night. Reserve your room now.


Transportation between Denver International Airport and Boulder is available via Boulder Airport Transport (https://boulderairporttransport.com/), Eight Black Airport ShuttleRTD Bus, Uber, or rental car.  

Miscellaneous Information

For information about things to do in and around Boulder, please visit: www.bouldercoloradousa.com

A local newspaper, Boulder Weekly, publishes a list of recommended restaurants to reference as you plan your trip. To see their 2023 Best of Boulder - Food Edition, please visit: https://boulderweekly.com/special-editions/best-of-boulder/best-of-boulder-2023-food/ 

Submit a Proposal 

This year's theme is Embracing Constructivism: From Theory to Practice

Deadline to submit: July 31, 2024

Constructivist Guidelines for Proposal Submissions
Click on this link to view Constructivist Guidelines. These are meant to provide additional information on ACT's Constructivist philosophy and to support you as you create your own proposal submission. Please do not feel that you need to refer to or cite these in your submission; instead, please view this as a supplemental resource to provide more clarification on how we connect theory to practice.

ACT Proposal Example
Please feel free to view this accepted submission as an example of how to organize your proposal. Again, you do not need to follow this verbatim, but instead, you are invited to view an example for inspiration as you create your own proposal.

All breakout sessions are 75 minutes, including time for discussion or questions and answers.

Proposal Form

Limit of 150 characters including spaces (approximately 15 words).
Include a three-line description for the conference program.
What do you hope the audience will learn?
Intended Audience(Required)
Presentation Format(Required)
Note: Virtual presenters will be given a Zoom link closer to the event.
*Please note – presenters will need to bring their own laptops and any connectors/cords necessary for presenting.

Presenter Information

ACT accepts proposals from individuals, co-presenters, and multiple presenters (e.g. panel discussions)

First/lead presenter: This is the presenter we will contact. It is the responsibility of the lead presenter to contact other presenters.

For additional presenters include their name, title, affiliation and brief bio.

ACT depends on registration fees to pay for the expenses associated with sponsoring this conference. Please note that all presenters are expected to register for the conference and pay the required conference fees.

Register Now

Registration is $190.

Discounted rates of $75 for teachers/retirees and $150 for virtual only attendance are available.